vrijdag 10 december 2010

C# - remoting on dual-homed PCs

The following I copied from an old blog somewhere else.

Dual-homed PCs are PCs with 2 NICs (a NIC is a Network Interface Connector
or network card). 1 NIC is configured for the LAN (with one or more private IPs).
The other NIC is configured for the internet (with a public IP).

Remoting works fine for PCs with a single NIC, but for dual-homed PCs there
is a catch: Remoting gets lost when trying to handshake with the source of the
message. It doesn't know which IP and which NIC to use for return communication so
it uses a broadcast IP to no avail.

According to Microsoft documentation remoting can be bound to a specific IP
using the bindTo property. But for TCP remoting this doesn't work, it just generates a socket
exception. Fortunately remoting can also be bound to a machine by name.

But only for HTTP remoting according to Microsoft documentation. Guess again. It does work for TCP remoting too. In fact, make sure your DNS can resolve $hostName and we're as good as
done. Just add machineName="$hostName" to your channel configuration.

Remoting now works on your dual-homed PC. Enjoy.

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